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Conjugación de tow

to towremolcar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I towyo remolco
you towtú remolcas
he towsél remolca
she towsella remolca
we townosotros remolcamos
you towvosotros remolcáis
they towellos remolcan
they towellas remolcan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I towedyo remolqué
you towedtú remolcaste
he towedél remolcó
she towedella remolcó
we towednosotros remolcamos
you towedvosotros remolcasteis
they towedellos remolcaron
they towedellas remolcaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have towedyo he remolcado
you have towedtú has remolcado
he has towedél ha remolcado
she has towedella ha remolcado
we have towednosotros hemos remolcado
you have towedvosotros habéis remolcado
they have towedellos han remolcado
they have towedellas han remolcado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had towedyo había remolcado
you had towedtú habías remolcado
he had towedél había remolcado
she had towedella había remolcado
we had towednosotros habíamos remolcado
you had towedvosotros habíais remolcado
they had towedellos habían remolcado
they had towedellas habían remolcado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will towyo remolcaré
you will towtú remolcarás
he will towél remolcará
she will towella remolcará
we will townosotros remolcaremos
you will towvosotros remolcaréis
they will towellos remolcarán
they will towellas remolcarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have towedyo habré remolcado
you will have towedtú habrás remolcado
he will have towedél habrá remolcado
she will have towedella habrá remolcado
we will have towednosotros habremos remolcado
you will have towedvosotros habréis remolcado
they will have towedellos habrán remolcado
they will have towedellas habrán remolcado

I would towyo remolcaría
you would towtú remolcarías
he would towél remolcaría
she would towella remolcaría
we would townosotros remolcaríamos
you would towvosotros remolcaríais
they would towellos remolcarían
they would towellas remolcarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have towedyo habría remolcado
you would have towedtú habrías remolcado
he would have towedél habría remolcado
she would have towedella habría remolcado
we would have towednosotros habríamos remolcado
you would have towedvosotros habríais remolcado
they would have towedellos habrían remolcado
they would have towedellas habrían remolcado

Participio presenteAnotado
towing remolcando

Participio pasadoAnotado
towed remolcado

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